King Welsh and Individual members of our team have worked with BPM for many years. We have delivered a wide range of consultancy services in respect of a varied range projects and investigations across the managed portfolio.
Gun Wharf Plymouth – independent Surveyor and Expert Witness advising in respect of wide-spread failure of external joinery across an estate of 98 houses and flats built in 2009. Currently retained by management company to represent and advise residents in ongoing dialogue with local authority, housing agency and developer.
Benson Apartments, Truro – Building Surveying services investigating and advising on remedial works in respect of failed concrete components. Subsequently instructed to specify, procure and oversee remedial works. Project value £100k
Cedars Court, Camborne – Building Surveying services investigating and advising on remedial works and budget costs in respect of failed steel and concrete components.
High Atlantic, Porth, Newquay – Condition report advising on premature failure to historic concrete repairs
Portfolio wide – Fire insurance valuation to determine re-build cost in the case of full loss for insurance purposes
Zenith, Porth – Condition survey of fabric, structure and services in respect of recently completed block of 28 flats with widespread latent defects. Production of independent expert report defining remedial works and budget costings
41-42 High Street Falmouth. Condition and measured survey of two ground floor commercial units and 9 apartments in c19th century converted terraced building and production of report setting out remedial works and budget costings.
Devington Hall Truro – varied commissions including specifying and procuring external decorations, Investigating and advising on remedial works to upper car deck, Investigating damp penetration in to rear elevation apartments and renewal of glazed structure over lightwell to basement apartments
Penlee Apartments Fowey – C 19th century block of 9 apartments. Varied commissions including. Condition survey and production of report setting out remedial works and budgets costs; specifying, procuring external repairs and decorations; Investigating and advising on damp penetration within lower ground floor apartments and specifying remedial works necessary; Specifying procuring and overseeing major structural repairs to front elevation; Specifying, procuring and overseeing below ground drainage repairs and renewal; Fire insurance valuation and measured survey.